MyExamCloud Guidelines
Upload Exam Guidelines
Respect the MyExamCloud Study Plan
Please don't abuse the site. Every cool new education feature on MyExamCloud involves a certain level of trust. We trust you to be responsible, and millions of users respect that trust, so please be one of them.
We Review Each and every exams before it gets published
When a exam gets submitted for review, we review the exam to determine whether it violates our Terms. If we remove your exam after reviewing it, you can assume that we removed it purposefully, and you should take our warning notification seriously. Take a deep breath, read our Terms of Use and try to see it from our perspective. If you find other exams on MyExamCloud with the same violations, please report them so we can review them as well! Don't Cross the Line.
Here are some commonsense rules that will help you steer clear of trouble:
- MyExamCloud is not for pornography or sexually explicit content. If this describes your Exam, even if it's a Exam of yourself, don't upload it on MyExamCloud. Also, be advised that we work closely with law enforcement and we report child exploitation.
- Don't post Exam showing bad stuff like animal abuse, drug abuse, or bomb making.
- Graphic or gratuitous violence is not allowed. If your exam shows someone getting hurt, attacked, or humiliated, don't post it.
- Respect copyright. Only upload exams that you made or that you are authorized to use. This means don't upload exams you didn't make, or use content in your questions that someone else owns the copyright to. Read our Copyright Tips for more information.
- We encourage free speech and defend everyone's right to express unpopular points of view. But we don't permit hate speech (speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity).
- There is zero tolerance for predatory behaviour, stalking, threats, harassment, invading privacy, or the revealing of other members' personal information. Anyone caught doing these things may be permanently banned from MyExamCloud.
- Everyone hates spam. Do not create misleading descriptions, tags, titles or thumbnails in order to increase views. It's not okay to post large amounts of untargeted, unwanted or repetitive content and including comments.
StudyPlan Guidelines
Respect the MyExamCloud Study Plans
Please don't abuse the site. Every cool new education feature on MyExamCloud involves a certain level of trust. We trust you to be responsible, and millions of users respect that trust, so please be one of them.
We Review Each and every Study Plans before it gets published
When a Stdudy Plan gets submitted for review, we review the study plan to determine whether it violates our Terms. If we remove your study plan after reviewing it, you can assume that we removed it purposefully, and you should take our warning notification seriously. Take a deep breath, read our Terms of Use and try to see it from our perspective. If you find other study plans on MyExamCloud with the same violations, please report them so we can review them as well! Don't Cross the Line.
Here are some commonsense rules that will help you steer clear of trouble:
- MyExamCloud is not for pornography or sexually explicit content. If this describes your Exam, even if it's a Exam of yourself, don't upload it on MyExamCloud. Also, be advised that we work closely with law enforcement and we report child exploitation.
- Don't post Exam showing bad stuff like animal abuse, drug abuse, or bomb making.
- Graphic or gratuitous violence is not allowed. If your exam shows someone getting hurt, attacked, or humiliated, don't post it.
- Respect copyright. Only upload exams that you made or that you are authorized to use. This means don't upload exams you didn't make, or use content in your questions that someone else owns the copyright to. Read our Copyright Tips for more information.
- We encourage free speech and defend everyone's right to express unpopular points of view. But we don't permit hate speech (speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity).
- There is zero tolerance for predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, invading privacy, or the revealing of other members' personal information. Anyone caught doing these things may be permanently banned from MyExamCloud.
- Everyone hates spam. Do not create misleading descriptions, tags, titles or thumbnails in order to increase views. It's not okay to post large amounts of untargeted, unwanted or repetitive content and including comments.
Comments Guidelines
Respect the MyExamCloud
Please don't abuse the site. Every cool new education feature on MyExamCloud involves a certain level of trust. We trust you to be responsible, and millions of users respect that trust, so please be one of them.
We Review Each and every Comments before it gets published
When a comment gets submitted for review, we review the content to determine whether it violates our Terms. If we remove your comment after reviewing it, you can assume that we removed it purposefully, and you should take our warning notification seriously. Take a deep breath, read our Terms of Use and try to see it from our perspective. If you find other study plans on MyExamCloud with the same violations, please report them so we can review them as well! Don't Cross the Line.
Here are some commonsense rules that will help you steer clear of trouble:
- MyExamCloud is not for pornography or sexually explicit content. If this describes your Exam, even if it's a Exam of yourself, don't upload it on MyExamCloud. Also, be advised that we work closely with law enforcement and we report child exploitation.
- Don't post Exam showing bad stuff like animal abuse, drug abuse, or bomb making.
- Graphic or gratuitous violence is not allowed. If your exam shows someone getting hurt, attacked, or humiliated, don't post it.
- Respect copyright. Only upload exams that you made or that you are authorized to use. This means don't upload exams you didn't make, or use content in your questions that someone else owns the copyright to. Read our Copyright Tips for more information.
- We encourage free speech and defend everyone's right to express unpopular points of view. But we don't permit hate speech (speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity).
- There is zero tolerance for predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, invading privacy, or the revealing of other members' personal information. Anyone caught doing these things may be permanently banned from MyExamCloud.
- Everyone hates spam. Do not create misleading descriptions, tags, titles or thumbnails in order to increase views. It's not okay to post large amounts of untargeted, unwanted or repetitive content and including comments.